Ashley Miller is a keynote speaker with a compelling story of experiencing trauma, Bipolar Disorder, and Substance Use Disorder at a very young age, getting sober at 21 in college.
Speaking Engagements
Next Generation Education
Ashley Miller will share her story of severe alcohol poisoning at the age of 15 and the depths of depression it led her to. Ashley will speak to educators about recognizing trauma, substance use, and mental health issues in students and how to best support them. Ashley values teachers and professors, as they have given her safe spaces to be herself growing up. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES), one caring adult can change a person’s life. Ashley will equip educators with all the information they need to be that caring adult to students in need of help.
Ashley also speaks to students on the impact of substance use, mental health, and trauma including the increasing rates of bullying and cyberbullying. With the help of a licensed therapist, they will share what to do when they find themselves engaging in risky behavior, and how to reach out for help.
Brave in Love Collective
Ashley and her wife Kaylie will speak to students on the impacts of trauma in the LGBTQ+ community, including coming out, family and societal rejection, spiritual abuse, and intimate partner violence.
They will share their challenges being in the LGBTQ+ community, how they have overcome them and have kept their relationship sacred in the midst of it all.
Next Generation Workplace
Ashley Miller will speak to small, mid-size, and big companies on how to foster a “mental health friendly” organization. At one time, she was told that her mental health would prevent her from full-time work the rest of her life. She didn’t let that stop her from finding a full-time job with a supportive organization. Ashley will share her powerful story, the impact of trauma, substance use, and mental health in the workplace, and how employers can make their organizations “mental health friendly” to retain valuable employees and become one of the top places to work.