Your Voice Matters!
This blog space is a platform to empower those in marginalized populations to share their powerful message of recovery. I would love to hear from you if you are part of a marginalized population that is in OR seeking recovery from substances, behavioral addictions, trauma, mental health, etc. Your story is important no matter where you are at in your journey. I know there are many more obstacles for those who are stigmatized beyond their recovery status. Please submit a paragraph about the content you would like to submit to the website in the form below. I will reach out to you directly to discuss if the content is a good fit for the website.
Worried about your name being associated with the post? We could have a discussion about posting the content anonymously if this route feels safer to you and you would still like your writing published. Regardless, I would still be honored to hear your story because your voice matters!
By submitting your content, you agree that your story may be edited. Each story does not necessarily represent the blog owner’s individual views or the views of any organizations they are associated with. The views and opinions in the guest blog are owned by the individual who submitted them and not representative of the website. This information has been generated by the individual and is not the property of the blog owner. You can request to remove the content at any time. By submitting your content, you agree that this content will be posted on social media websites including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Once the information is published, other people may share this story. Please think about whether you are in a place to share vulnerable information as the hope is to empower you and not cause more harm. Thank you so much!